Sunday, June 6, 2010

Going for a walk. See you in July.

the miserable charlie coordinators.

Quote luying:
E=Miserable Charlie Coordinators

2 years ago, we were charlie mates, 2years later, we are charlie coords!
together-gather drenched in rain, not knowing what to do for almost an hour.
cannot shower, cannot eat, cannot sleep, cannot move.

miserably sticked our butt on fallen tree, raindrops ,in red bean size, hitting on my cold body and soul.

Praying for the rain god. We thought rain god might like to have a taste of chipsmore?

there goes posing time. co-coord eunice what u doing? different pose one?!!
(wet inside out)

time passed mid night with sudden heavy downpour.
flooded campsite, clean-and-smells-good body, wet legs and itchy legs.
where to go other than squatting down with an unbrella?

there goes the most dramatic charlie group and their umbrellas bonding session.

waterfall finally and the Rs gang !