Sunday, December 27, 2009

secret recipe for sore throat

sore throat culprit:
-"tou fu pok" which sucked all the red hot curry.
-evonne's maggie-curry-powder-like concentrated oxtail soup
-yean xin's half bowl of red bean "tong sui"

sulan's secret recipe for her sore throat:

1 sachet of 罗汉果蛇舌草精powder reconstitute by adding one white glass of warm water.


1 white glass of warm honey water


10ml of 川贝枇杷膏 plus 1 white glass of warm water

(white glass=my mug=my measurement)

The secret recipe DIDN'T work though and it was NOT effective at all.


i found another secret recipe at PeiTing's "hijau merah sama-sama" christmas party:

"ABSOLUTE MANGO 40% vodka plus mango juice


Rum plus coca-cola"

--miraculously my sore throat CURED despite having running nose on that night !

ok..ini recipe boleh jalan.

Friday, December 18, 2009



Borneo autumn expedition ends today! gonna see tanned Celine and Richard soon!

[i think we are getting closer after 3 sems!!]

Connexion christmas party with notts gang at senloong's.
BBQ-ed, sang christmas songs, birthday surprised, had fun with coded language, played darts, ping-pong matches and TABOO-ed !

[name cards]

[darts time! see the professional pose]

[at least i'm the best among girls. ALL darts on the board.]

had so much fun and random replys to laugh at when we TABOO-ing. i think TABOO answer is easier to guess if you played with someone who you see everyday, then only you can avoid the "beep beep" words.

[TABOO moment!! ---"you eat my wat?"]

even mid night facebook comments on the night and sb's unoewho are so hilarious. fun to recall the TABOO moments.


when i woke up today, i had unexpected egg fruit mayo sandwich ready for my breakfast! prepared by sss at 3am morning after mahjoong session..haha..egg mayo plus japanese green tea!--good start in the morning.

Gonna have a fun weekend ahead in IW with raleigh bunch!!

" i wanna wish u a merry christmas,
i wanna wish u a merry christmas,
i wanna wish u a merry christmas,
from the bottom of my heart~~!!"---this christmas song stucked on my mind since cf christmas party.

Thursday, December 10, 2009



i feel like writing again.

I'm pretty upset now.
I think I just pisssed a good friend off AGAIN.


I really don't wanna see anymore dramas.Although it is considered none of my business,seeing friends upset is not a good feeling.

I should have off my msn and concentrate on microbiology whole night.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


feel like writing something today.

today 02/12/09,
1. Sue Wen's birthday. greeted her in our usual style.
2. Had a 10 minutes' nap before dodgeball tournament and i dreamt of kailan. Such a weird dream of vege, maybe i missed kailan.
3. Dodgeball is a funny game. I realised how ganas ppl can be when they played dodgeball. I no fancy.
4. Had dinner, drink and a chat with chel gee again.
5. Got my costumer for IW.