Friday, December 18, 2009



Borneo autumn expedition ends today! gonna see tanned Celine and Richard soon!

[i think we are getting closer after 3 sems!!]

Connexion christmas party with notts gang at senloong's.
BBQ-ed, sang christmas songs, birthday surprised, had fun with coded language, played darts, ping-pong matches and TABOO-ed !

[name cards]

[darts time! see the professional pose]

[at least i'm the best among girls. ALL darts on the board.]

had so much fun and random replys to laugh at when we TABOO-ing. i think TABOO answer is easier to guess if you played with someone who you see everyday, then only you can avoid the "beep beep" words.

[TABOO moment!! ---"you eat my wat?"]

even mid night facebook comments on the night and sb's unoewho are so hilarious. fun to recall the TABOO moments.


when i woke up today, i had unexpected egg fruit mayo sandwich ready for my breakfast! prepared by sss at 3am morning after mahjoong session..haha..egg mayo plus japanese green tea!--good start in the morning.

Gonna have a fun weekend ahead in IW with raleigh bunch!!

" i wanna wish u a merry christmas,
i wanna wish u a merry christmas,
i wanna wish u a merry christmas,
from the bottom of my heart~~!!"---this christmas song stucked on my mind since cf christmas party.


moi said...

SOMEBODY'S YOUKNOWWHO HAHAHAHAHAAH !!!! okay, i checked ur blog again.. out of boredom but yea, U WROTE SMTH !! hahahah !

ongyeanxin said...

so obvious who rightttt evonnee! LOL

moi said...

HAHHAAHA NVM LAR give her the FREEDOM of speech loooll !!!

sulan yang said...

then thank you for the FREEDOM OF SPEECH which joolian and yeanxin doesnt have..