Wednesday, December 17, 2008




昨天 下午也没有课

从sememyih搭便车, 搭ktm, 搭lrt, 再搭便车
抵达ulu yam campsite
i moved from a jungle to another jungle
-just to spend one day overnight at the "another jungle"

乎, 山上的空气超好!

离开ulu yam--->nottingham

搭便车,missed ktm, 搭ktm, missed bus, 搭bus
还要迟到par tutorial..
专程七早八早回来就为了这个tutorial class



凉风习习,nottingham 晚上的空气真好
冷的程度 : 一停下来,就feel到冷

明天还有hospital visit

Sunday, December 14, 2008

明天有mock test

明天有mock test

可能 我觉得我很厉害?!
没有 只是不想读

vs 大学求学

2.读考试, 为了拼总平均(除了一些喜欢的理科)


不像以前 读电脑概论,sejarah 的时候,有觉得想吐血
大学读书 没有固定的课本
很自由 很爽 只是常常借不到书就会很不爽

大学读书 and 中学读书的共同点:

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


phew, finally got some time to update tis poor blog..
has been abandon for dunno how long..

had my first presentation in my life last week
-it was was fun...
-was talking about "Aspirin-the wonder drug"
-sometimes feel tat i kept on repeating "talk abt"
eg:let's talk abt mechanism of aspirin.
just now we've talked abt the side effects of aspirin.
later i'll talk abt the dosages for aspirin.
is such a useful word tat can be used in past,present and future tense
then only i notice, Dr.Ting use a lot of "talk abt" in her lectures too
耳濡目染之下....tat's the out come


got my first physpharm report yesterday
thought i did terrible for the report
expecting an "unsatisfactory"
things are not as bad as you imagine.
i got abt "satisfactory"?or"excellent"?
anyway,i consider it a very high mark.
after then,
i started to believe in myself:
-i can do well !
i'm motivated now!
become a pharmacist is still now my ambition!

(things weren't going right in past few weeks,
i was demotivated)
stress from studies
by the time, fortunately i have got this quote to motivate me..
Unless you test yourself fully,
you can't know your true limits"
---tristan humphreys(bornoe expedition)
tat's y i feel so happy when i got the report!


tat day,forgot which day
we had a lecture by managing director of
a pharmaceutical company
-had a brainwashing lecture
i kind of like the way pharmacists work in industrial pharmacy
(disadvantage:brainstorming everyday..can be stressful too)
but the salary is higher..
last time when a hospital pharmacy came to give a lecture
i feel the working environment in hospital is not too bad too
(disadvantages:have certain days to work on call)
anyway, i still like the profession of pharmacy
i think i have choose the right pathway!


physpharm lab again
was doing an experiment on human subject
to measure the action potential on ulnar nerves
Experiment starts after i signed the
consent form
jiangjiang, jiangjiang, jiangjiang
at the end of the experiment after 3 hrs,
i have kena electric shock(mild one) by
107++ times(minimum)
lowest shock is 0.0mA
highest shock is 17.5mA
later i found out some of my friends only got 12.5mA as highest shock only
-means i very tahan lasak??

it was a special day though
who else can kena shock so many times in a day?
besides hospital patient...

my action potential
first revealed to everyone..

Saturday, November 8, 2008

sibeh 多 pattern ea kinasai

a one-month-old kodomo..
pattern 1: act cute
pattern 2 : 串 , 嚣
pattern 3: 奸
pattern 4: imitating lok lok
pattern 5:fake cry
pattern 6:hmm hmm...

pattern 7:yawning

pattern 8:sleep soundly
pattern 9: hm, suddenly want to poo poo
pattern 10:using hand as pillow

isn't she cute?
our new family member since 17th sept 2008-
chloe teoh yan yi

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Nottingham pharmacy-ing

phew~time flies...i've now spent 1 week in nottingham
firstly, i wanna annouce tat i managed to get the JPA scholarship which made me extremely excited when i knew i got it! thanks to my mom,who did the great job to seize the chance for me.

life in nottingham
8am : bangun pagi, gosok gigi, tak ada minum kopi, makan roti
9/10am : going to lecture
4pm : finish lecture
4-6 pm : lepak in library-read magazines,newpapers, revision also?
6pm : makan?
7-9pm :sports time
9-10pm : showering
10-1am: comp lab, study

generally is like tat quite leisure these few days, probably becoz tis is just the starting point..
when v wanna mention some classmate which v dont know the name, v will mention like tis:
for girls : "neh....那个戴眼镜,长头发的那个女子啦..."
for guys :"neh....那个没有戴眼镜,短头发的那个啦..."
altually in our class, most of the girl and boys looked like tis...then at the end of the topic,v still cant recall who is she mentioning..

i'm quite happy to found someone to playbasketball and swim wtih in nottingham.cos in our class, 80% is female,i think 90% out of the 80% enjoys shopping, dislike outdoor activities. i must fully utilise the sport complex when i'm free cos 1st year is consider more "free and easy" than year 2.
Last thursday when i played basketball at night, found tat it is quite cooling at night in nottingham..quickly inhaled a few "lungful" of fresh air...:0

our pharmacy course is a 2+2 it wont make me feel bored of staying in a same environment for 4 years time..2 year will pass in a blink.we will turn out to be a profession in 4 years time which i consider is a short period. Also bcos tis is a 2+2 program, therefore v only have 2 batches in UNMC which i feel is a good is quite interesting to be known as junior in 1st year, senior in 2nd year, junior again when in uk 3rd year, senior again when in uk 4th year.

i have a stong feel tat tis is going to be a great lifetime experience for me(although stranded in nottin jungle)..
i shall study very hard, put in lot of effort for my pharmacy course and at the mean time enjoy doing what i like during free time.---study hard, play harder. perhaps main-main ubi berisi?

p/s:huichian, tat day i tried the broga 烧非洲鱼. fantastic taste..
next time will be broga 板面!
just knew tat there's many farms nearby UNMC in broga town-chicken farm, rabbit farm, fish ponds...many more, i forgot.

Monday, September 8, 2008

singapore trip



旅行天数 : 严格来说-2.5天
旅游伙伴 :黄秋琪
背包重量 :左算右算也不过5kg 1.....

-raffles place:clarke quay,asian civilisation museum,victoria theatre, the art hse of the old parliament,the old supreme court,singapore river
-ntu hostel,ntu adm

抵达jurong east mrt station.肚子超饿,随便去买了SD$2.00的面包来吃,因此而错过了传说中(听姐姐说)jurong east mrt station 好吃的meesiam...垂心 ><"

mrt 篇:

第一次搭mrt,花了将近15分钟来研究mrt station 的 paying system,路线等...
买票时,还莫名其妙, 不懂为什么明明是SD$1.50的票会变成 SD$2.50...原来是要附加SD$1.00的deposit...害我们研究了好久..><"讲是买票,不如讲是卖卡...进mrt 是用卡tap的...糊里糊涂就tap了一下,都不懂有没有scan到,还害我们担心了那短短30分钟的路程,结果还是顺利tap 了出回来...phew~
觉得新加坡的mrt很有system,很efficient -
malaysia 的putra lrt输在太短,太慢,station 设在不知所谓的地方;
star lrt 输在太慢,买票居然还不可以用纸钞,肮脏;
ktm , 简直输人家九条街....
发现:mrt 的escalator 都走到很快,新加坡人的步伐快?害我差点跟不上


吃饱,计划去raffles places逛一逛再去boon lay mrt station 找佩雯,慧谦,劲奕他们。
蛮喜欢raffles place 这个地方的,raffles place的feel很不一样,走在街上,根本不像走在亚洲,就像置身于欧洲/澳洲。
想象如果masjid jamek, klcc, bukit bintang,pavilion 那一带能变成这样...不用想象-impossible

晚上去meet他们 (从raffles place 又奔波回boon lay station,boon lay 其实就在jurong east 的后几站)
聚一聚,没想到还有10++, 20-- 的中学同学出来这次的聚会
还蛮开心的-- -见识到ntu的宿舍生活,能住在那样的宿舍,是我的话,我会很开心
-很有大学生活的feel, 但是,教育学生用分数去换取住宿的资格,有点不健康 . 我觉得酱参加社团活动很假,很现实,人与人之间会产生互利(互相利用)关系
-半夜在tv lounge 谈天的那段时间,我是几怀念一下的,听到他们的大学故事,令我对自己的大学生涯有憧憬
-参观ntu adm..超有创意的建筑物,同时发现他们去了ntu,讲话很大声><", 在adm 讲话还有回音...hmm..在adm还巧遇志明--学警朋友

我记得一进到慧谦的宿舍,就把本能他的门的两个锁上锁...谁知他讲不用锁,新加坡是low crime rate
我有点惊讶,居然安全到这种地步...malaysia ?-impossible

慧谦一直嫌他的床很小,两个人睡时还特意占了床面的minimum area....结果是:两人中间有很大一块面积留给了空气睡,早上起来,两人不是手痛,就是睡眠不足....><" 2......

早上起来,早餐于ntu canteen 9(经前晚的"精心"挑选) 后,道别ntu 的朋友.
回到表哥家,放下背包,前往chinatown! 寻找 多人推荐的汤圆...
在chinatown 兜勒又兜,还下埋雨...终于给我们找到那个卖汤圆的摊子! 但是好选不选,选那天休息?! 算,没有汤圆吃...


吃饱,我们从chinatown走到clarke quay,走到one fullerton 去看merlion,顺便看对岸的esplanade和singapore flier
路经sg river 有拍了不少百痴的照片,心想晚上的clarke quay 一定很美
没错! 真的是她!还在我们10米不到的地方走来走去!
结果, 我们很开心的在那里逗留了约30分钟还不舍得走,期待会有什么掴巴掌,打架,翻台的镜头

macam-macam org pun ada 篇:
看merlion的地方很多人,刚巧有一班很兴奋在拍照的中国人,各式各样的pose 都有,都不懂他们想怎样
本来很想过对岸的esplanade,city hall 走走的, 可是太累,取消念头
后来才知到原来bugis street 也在那里附近....遗憾没有过去,垂心 ><"
do u understand their pose? i tak faham
orchard road 篇:
搭mrt去orchard rd看看,
还记得那时是换我拿雨伞,琪拿三脚架--有觉得那么一点点地丢脸,因为拿着蓝色,样子有点老土的雨伞,还要走在orchard rd...
night safari 篇:
草率吃过hotdog面包当晚餐,相当的不好吃(不禁怀念1902还是1901 的hotdog 面包)
搭mrt 换bus 去到night safari....新加坡巴士站都安排得那么systematic...很不错
到了night safari,琪显得非常兴奋,我想她大概最期待这个地方吧...
看show 时,我还蛮欣赏那个领导show的工作人员,她控制的相当不错,也有一定的幽默啦
看完show,琪还付钱跟了3种动物拍照---蛇,狸猫, 猫头鹰

路经nus,决定上kent ridge park 看夜景..幸运的话,还可以看到偷情等的事情
这里的夜景还ok lor...因为有树叶阻挡了部分视线...
半夜,约a mai 出来吃宵夜--我们到新加坡的美味第一餐 3.....

吃了早餐,拖下拖下,才来到jurong bird park
在bird park 待了3小时多,本来还很有ohm 的,但bird park 实在太大了,走到最后我们都没有mood 走下去了
草率结束bird park之旅, 没有看到world tallest man-made waterfall..

本来要去sentosa 的,被bird park 搞到没有mood了...
改变行程去nus 探望佩雯,顺便参观nus 宿舍...
nus 和 ntu, ntu给我的感觉较好..
ntu 的朋友看起来活得比较开心,nus的朋友看起来较为拼学业而感压力
幸好我没选择nus science....

晚餐在auntie 家解决----美味第三餐
晚上本来还想出去的,但大家都太累了,不小心睡着 4......

七早八早起来,吃过美味早餐,就出发赶巴士回kl lu...


canon goes

hai everyone!

yesterday, i was browsing canon website.suddenly i found out tat they are going to do this tree planting project.
although i dunno what they are going to do and how, but it looks attractive and interesting to me
i just uploaded one of my photograph on it, is a photograph of a mudskipper.
just a small request, when u open the website, go to "go green", go to " goodies", then dl the wallpaper, set as your desktop wallpaper. i think the greenish bg is very nice lah...i like the bg music also-last night i listened for 1 whole night.
so everytime u open ur laptop, ppl will ask:"eh, y ur bg so special one..?"
then u answer+promote a bit : "support go green project mar!"
if interested, can ask them to upload their photo onto the website..or mayb participate in the tree planting project.
for u guys who r not in msia, just go green lo...dun take plastic bag,switch off charger whenever hp is fully-charge,boikot restaurant which uses polysterene plates(bring own tupperware)..blah blah blah...i think u all should noe..for heng rui: dun drive so much-burning 1kg of fuel emits 3kg of carbon dioxide...

i changed my desktop wallpaper, have u? green green also not bad mar..good for eye sight.


today i went kinokuniya.
dunno y, everytime i go there, the feeling of reading will suddenly rush up..
the environment in kinokuniya will always remind me i haven read any books for a long time...
wanted to get some books today, but didnt.still have few books in hse not yet "opening ceremony".


one more week to go,going to move to nottingham. can say tat,i am very looking forward.
plan to do some revision, read some book, gaodim my everything in these few days.
but everytime i open my laptop...ended up siting in front of the comp for 2 or 3 hrs watching hk or japan dramas..
moonlight bad ler..
japanese drama 正义的伙伴 - story of a pair of sisters.quite funny.
japanese drama 女王的教室 - movie of year 2005. story of a class of standard 6 students fight againts their queen-like form teacher.most of the actor,actress are standard 6 students,very cute one..i like tis one most

Friday, July 18, 2008


the reason why i like my current job as part time photographer:
1.have tour in aquaria EVERYDAY! (admission fees for malaysian adults=rm 28)
2.get a free klcc aquaria tshirt which costs rm 32.90 with camera EVERYDAY! (when not under supervision of boss of coz)
4.learn photoshop (play with photoshop when not under supervision of boss)
5.simply edit the tourists' photo as my own hobby(when not under supervision of boss)
6.feel the satisfactory of customers when they receive the photo i took and edited.
7.saw many cute babies tourists..they usually sleep.. with snake (at the reptile station)
9.working hour 11am to 7pm
10.can improve my english and bm, especially bm.we only got banana,indians n malays there..
11.get pay to do things i like,why not?

the things i want to complain working there: me so low..
2.supervisor always place me at the entrance-the place i dislike most
3.lunches are so expensive around kl area
4.leg pain after work..standing whole day
5.get only 1 t-shirt..which i think they should give me 2

klcc aquaria will increase my salary!!

Friday, July 11, 2008

part time photographer

中午三点,来电显示终于出现一个期待好久的名字--"mr. ravendran" !!
终于! 他打来通知说星期一可以上班!
yohoo..! 星期一开始就可以在 klcc aquaria 做 part time photographer,

Friday, July 4, 2008

nomad adventure land-gopeng,perak

yoooo!!! it has been a few days after i came back from gopeng! it's time to update.
Went gopeng on last weekend, for raleigh agm + doing sth u could never tried in KL.
guess wat? BODY RAFTING + HIGH ROPE COURSE in only rm50!! super cheap for raleigh members! which normal price is abt rm100++ just for high rope course excluding body rafting+ accomodation.

i skipped all the unnecessary parts so that i can make the story shorter.

i assume u guys noe what is rafting, then body rafting means:forget abt the rafting boat,
use ur body(hands, legs) to raft!!

all i have to do is RELAX~ then follow the current..
then i will eventually flow to the destination..
sometimes, do need to use hands/legs to change directions
-to avoid bumping into big rocks and tree branches..
soaked in the cooling river water is simply relax and nice...
if and only if-u noe how to protect urself well..
if not, u'll ended up with bruises, scratches,cuts on your..
butts,arms, legs..
oh,one things-vincent found a durian under the river..
luckily no one step on it..
or else....
see how excited v are before v depart..

Part II : AGM
i have been chosen to be the logistic officer for year 08/09
hope i will do my part well
and take the opportunity to learn..

Part III : high rope course

tis is a great experience..
i'm actually quite scared when nomad staff is doing briefing..
but i completed all though..
a big clap from myself to myself..

hmm...first time using all the safety stuff..
feel excited-->worried-->tired
bcos my balancing skill is so lousy..
i put all my strength on my hands,
i gripped the rope so tightly..
fear of falling down..
if u fell down, 2 things u have to do (taught by staff)
-smile with the ppl under you =)
-self rescue..means makan sendiri
(no one can help u except urself)

besides that, i have never stood in an open place which is so high..
saw some durians under me...
feel weird..
usually v look upward when looking at the durians hanging on tree..
but now i look downward and saw durians under me..
hehe..funny feeling..

and then i discovered that : -
i'm not afraid of the height,
but my balancing skill is very poor...
always shaking here and there up the rope..
there's no plank in btw..have to use swing!! swing to the other side..

let u to judge whether is tis consider tall..

overall, i feel tat ketiga-tiga high rope course ini fUN!!

Penang in 24 hours program 11/6/2008

yo....why no post recently ??
someone is having exam...someone is having holiday...someone is working so hard..
me?? i went to penang last weekend--tat's why i cant join the yumcha session last sunday..

spy shot by my team mate
i went to penang to join this " 24 hours in Penang " program. it is a photographing was an awesome was a wonderful experience!!
have u ever join 30++ strangers, camera in hand , tripod in hand , target destination-everywhere and anywhere, target to capture-everything and anything u like, walking or i shall say wandering in the town area in the middle of sea breeze in early morning(0630am?) or under the blazing-11 o'clock-sun...just to take some nice shot..
yea..i did that..and that was fun..

for the first time, i used the SDL(professional) canon camera which i borrowed from my sis's fren.
is not as easy as i think to get nice shot...many things to adjust on the camera- iso,shutter time,aperture,flash, WB...all those "professional nouns" i learn from them..
they're all really pros -can tell the pros and cons of canon and nikon SDL "canon camera tend to capture the blues of sky too light or too much.."...then another guy will defense cos he's using a canon camera " nikon oso ......" is like debating..but overall, they're just jiao liu-ing..(how to say jiao liu in english?)in a proper way- sharing opinion..
i went there and know nth abt the camera i brought,
once they asked me:"wat model is ur camera?"..
me:" canon."
them:"wat lens u using??"
but what so ever...i'm went there to no need to be shy..just say dunno whenever u dunno...
then pace forward to ask.then u'll learn sth really precious..u learn from their no cost.

so, i did took a lot of photos-almost 400 photos i think, but nice shots less then 10 photos..or less than 5 photos.
then i may need to photoshop them to make it nicer..those photoshop-ed photo they did on my photos are really nice!! very dramatic..hmm...seems like i'm photography. and i planned to learn photoshop during my holidays! i found new interest.
another good thing abt photographing is u can look things in another "jiao du". (how to say jiao du in english?)
u may discover the unseen side of a thing or matter..
another another good thing to do photography during ur trip is u may be able to discover and explore more abt the place/building/ppl/ like u are there purposely to take photo, so u'll try to look for every single nice thing to make ur photo interesting..then u began to notice things u have been overlooked these days..
i remembered wat they say :" u can make ur photo talk." / "capture the moment."

another thing i found is, penangites are very proud of their homeland...they love the place they lived on so much..
like to introduce every single nice thing in this lovely island to "foreigners" from KL like me and my fren...
penangites:" this chicken rice is very famous..." /" nasi kandar from this mamak is very nice oso" /"u must visit blah blah blah when u visit penang" / " blah blah blah has the nice-est nightview in penang " / "penang laksa is the best in m'sia".....many more...afterall , they're all very friendly and nice..i only paid for my dinner during my time in penang..they paid for my breakfast, lunch, supper, 2nd day breakfast..and petrol..really thanks for their hospitality..

sunday morning ~0130am, v went penang upper road to take photo..known as penang clubbing area..this is the first time i went clubbing area..not as happening as i imagined..a bit lame lo...lights no good oso..mayb i c from outside not so happening gua...but i did saw ppl arguing, ppl vomiting until seven colors, hot babes...but no see handsome guys..saw beggars...><" another interesting moment, v learn a lesson-"whenver u're hungry and coincidently u have ur camera with u, u can cheat for free lunch!" v got our free mee raja and kopi-O kau just bcoz the tauke of the hawker center thought v're coming to advertise for him...but v do took some photo for him in return.. okay..too's time to do conclusion. Konklusinya, i have learnt a lot in this program , either in photography or the way i somehow helped broaden my horizon, gimme a chance to meet new ppl .i think a lot after this program. ----more pics on facebook(haven posted)

earth day with timberland 22/4/2008

today, 22 April-earth day
in conjunction with it, i joined the environmental work
organised by timberland
-branded outdoor stuff outlet
before v started the work,
everyone is given the timberland t-shirt
quality-85%cotton+15%organic cotton
tis is first time i heard ORGANIC cotton
-said tat it grown without harmful chemical
i dunno whether it's true
but the shirt is truly comfortable

okay, today's work (my team)
-plant trees
-paint the walkway bars

(another team)
-clean the mangrove land area
basically just collect rubbish

personally, i think there's one more task
-feed the mozzies
basically, today's work is just like tat
planting trees is tiring,
but i like the feel
addicted to the nature already..
these few days keep thinking of owning a fruit farm..
i calculate ady,plant n sell fruits altogether
can make money..
although wont get considerable income
-as long as u like wat u're doing
sometimes i wish i'm not kl-ians
so i can experience more
but I'M
still, i appreciate it
being kl-ians have the benefits

after the work,
-had some refereshing orange juice(nice)+lunch
-free admission to the museum there
-get the permission for feeding monkeys
-had kuala selangor tour by the tram
(which emits fumes to pollute the air,in this earth day)

b4 tat, the never-to-forget thing must be done
posing after hardwork
additional advantage of joining the work:
-had a lecture of insurance by jia li
(now i noe much more abt insurance ady)
-noe more abt timberland

today's feeling:
it is quite sarcasm to say v done tis in earth day
-tram emits the fumes
-most timberland workers drive to meeting point instead of taking public transport
(emits more unwanted gas while u planted the trees)
-drove 2 buses to kuala selangor when v can actually make it in one
-i accidentally brought fried rice in the early morning
blur blur in morning,
i forgot the container is polystyrene...

today's quote :
doing it well and do it rightly
quote from the timberland manager
v did some thing very well,instead v shouldn't do it
harming the earth-undeniable malaysian did it well but not the correct thing to do
rasuah in malaysia-undeniable SOME malaysian practise it very well
social tragedy-open the newspaper and u can c everyday
wars - weapons

a blind photograher

below is quoted from a story book The history of LOVE:-
a short story which i find it quite meaningful.
guide: "he" refers to a photograher who was almost completely blind
"she" refers to an ordinary woman who has lost her husband

He asked if he could take a picture of her.When he raised up the lens and looked through it,she asked what he saw."The same thing i always see,"he said."Which is?""A blur," he said."Then why do it?"she asked."In case my eyes ever heal," he said. "So i'll know what i have been looking at."

beautiful, isn't it?
wonder whether it's a true story or it's just a story.

168 tahan adventure 3/29/2008

tis is my very first (duno whether it will be the last) time
to challenge tahan-the toughest in south east asia
and tis is the starting point--Sg. Relau

b4 the trip started,we cheered up ourselves !
making a man-made tee
rainbow , which meant HOPE
to get spirited!

the terrain is really not to play..
up and down hills , river crossings , muds everywhere , raining everyday
we were wet inside out and outside in...
it was freaking cold..
our hands were frozen..shivering all time tat u have to hug each other to keep warm
even a packet of maggie v have to cook for half an hour
cos the burner was wet...i would like to die under the condition..
BUT anyhow, we have to nge nge lai..
"what doesn't kill me will only make me stronger."
day 1 : 6 hours trek
day2 : almost 13 hours trek (2 hours in rain)
day 3 : 1 hour trek to peak (trapped in rain the whole day)
day 4 : approx. 12 hours trek (almost 5 hours in rain)
day 5 : 5 hours trek

despite the coldness,sweat, bruises, cuts, torns under our skin
and the almost 20kg loads in our backpack..
we conquered mt. tahan!
tis is the craziest thing i have ever done in life.
all the sacrifices are worth..
"it is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves."
-Sir Edmund Hillary

when u reached the peak, u have to pose like tis..hahah
i love tis photo very much! we are so cool..
(tis photo is captured without anyone's notice)
(we r actually amazed by the peak view)

desperate for snack!!
everyone gone crazy when the camera came..

my hiking mates..we made it TOGETHER!
we left the unforgettable and priceless memory for each other..
they r really funny mates...energetic youth who worth u to spend time together
again, we made it !!

the most beautiful sunrise i have ever seen..
it was all so fake yet so real...
i cannot believed i stood higher than the cloud,watching over the sun to come out..
besides the sun, the cloud was another amazing thing..
it was like tau fu fa...unbelievably heavenly beautiful..
i dunno how to descibe..
staying over night at the freezing cold 2187m peak was
just waiting for tis moment..

kem botak ...1943m...still 2.5km=1 hrs trek to peak
we spent one night here..
when v built our tents, it was raining..
i dun even wan to have dinner tat night...
too cold to move, scared tat warm will leak out if i shake a bit..
however, u will get sun burn here in the morning..
cos it is botak, no trees to cover the direct sunlight.
some of my mates did get serious burn..
especially the boys who are hao lian..
who like to take of their shirts..

nice pic huh?
i set it as my comp desktop..
so tat i can watch it everyday, until i'm fed up with it..


tis photo is taken beside the toilet..
cloud which looks like a river along the mountains
yes, there are toilets here...very clean..simen toilet..
wonder how they built it...

the trail back to civilisation...
bye bye to the beauty of nature..
born to love the nature..
kkk- here comes dirty things-
i bathed in the river only once, which was the second last day..
changed my undies for the first time -feeling refeshing..hah
i brushed my teeth the first time on the last day..

i uploaded many nice photos on facebook..pls go n have a look la..
cant post all photos here coz..not going to be nice..
hope to share my happiness and joy with u guys...

Sunday, June 1, 2008

my favourites

jiang jiang jiang...
since tis is the first post,lemme introduce part of my favourites....:-
part 1-bags
pipeline bag-dunno wat brand is tat..
got it from jusco just for rm15?! during clear stock promotion
used this bag for almost 3 or 4 years...still in very good condition if u ignore the unseen dirt on it which i never washed it for almost 3 or 4 years..yes..i never wash it since i bought it..
however, no special scent or any obvious stain on,i consider it is still clean..but imagine tis bag has been to many places,sat on grasses,tar road, public places,beaches,exposed under hot sun...okay..i have to admit is quite dirty..

nike bag-tulen one..
got it from pavilion...i love it!! prepare to use it during uni life...

karrimor 60+10L rucksack~rm500
from mid valley tearproof
one of my favourites..! i used the salary which i worked for idp to get first present for myself. although it is costly but worth it-my best partner during tahan-followed me to the highest peak of peninsular,slipped into the river,drenched in the rain,covered with my sweat...i'll use it more frequent in future..i'll bring u to sabah any part of the world..everywhere i go u must follow me..cannot be a traveller , backpacker without you!


vasque trekking shoes!~rm300(promotion price)
from mid valley tearproof
second present from idp salary..followed me to everywhere as important as my rucksack.

converse shoes

my collection of books!!
i starts collecting my favourite books since junior 3...although it's just a few BUT i'll continue to collect and read and collect and read...these books are very precious to me..whoever borrowed must return..