Monday, January 5, 2009

new year resolution

[The chinese version in my notebook]
[high to enlarge]

我想不到new year resolution. 我很困扰.

found out 生命动力life force is actually not existing. me lagi bosong + a bit disappointed.

2009 nEw yEar rEsolution : -
1. By year end , i will select 10 best photos to represent my hardwork on photography.
2. For 1 month in 2009,i will practise jogging everyday on weekdays.
3. By semester end , i will get first class honour for my first year of pharmacy study.
4. By year end, i will get a summer vacation job in the UK.
5. By year end, i will finished reading 5 books despite of hectic life of a pharmacy student.

6. By July, i will fundraised at least Rm3500 to go borneo expedition.
7. By September, i will conquered Mt. K via ferrata route.
8. By year end, i will be able to finish reading a story in NatGeo without checking dictionary.
9. In 5 years' time, i will volunteer for world vision and an organization which runs like life force.
10. 5 years later, i will buy a hybrid car.

By now, i will start to work hard! -leave the blog and study pharmacology.


Cassandra.C said...

wao..i have my new year resolution too~let's try our best ~

sulan yang said...

i wan to c ur resolutions..haha