Sunday, February 8, 2009

babies' day out

it's babies day.
4 month's old , 2 month's old and 6 month's old respectively...
female , male and female respectively...
cousins of each other.

babies are always so cute.took this while she's changing her air-cond dress.

my relationship with her: my niece's cousin
more complicated relationship : my cousin's cousin's daughter
even more complicated relationship : my mom's brother-in-law's nephew's daughter
so my relationship with her is actually...very far.

[pulling my naive]

just received the new bardot shirts from suin from australia.

so...took some pictures lo.

the shirts look nice and have got 100% CNY feel while wearing it . thank you suin.

so....BARDOT, do u want to hire us?


Unknown said...

LOL Bardot loves u guys! haha

sulan yang said...

oi! suin got blogger account?!

Unknown said...

i dun have, pls i never blog, i tok only hahahahah

Yang said...

eh.. nice eh.. i want i want!!
suin.. u bad la... din gif me also